Works of Venerable Master Hsing Yun READ MORE
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365 Days For Travelers

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Humble Table, Wise Fare


Recorded by Leann Moore         0:19

The base consider their own faults
     to be the fault of others:
they often blame everyone
     but themselves.
The virtuous consider others’ faults
     to be their own fault:
they often examine their
     conscience and blame themselves.

Dharma Instruments

Venerable Master Hsing Yun grants voices to the objects of daily monastic life to tell their stories in this collection of first-person narratives.

Sutras Chanting

The Medicine Buddha Sutra Medicine Buddha, the Buddha of healing in Chinese Buddhism, is believed to cure all suffering (both physical and mental) of sentient beings. The Medicine Buddha Sutra is commonly chanted and recited in Buddhist monasteries, and the Medicine Buddha’s twelve great vows are widely praised.


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