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365 Days For Travelers
Wisdom from Chinese Literary and Buddhist Classics

365 Days for Travelers


Du Qiuniang (Years unknown, Tang Dynasty)
English translation: Miao Guang

I urge you not to cherish that gold-thread gown,
For you shall seize your youthful days,
Gather your blossoms while you may,
Do not lay until only empty branches await.

── from Quan Tang Shi (Complete Collection of Tang Poems)


Yan Zhenqing (709 - 785, Tang Dynasty)
English translation: Zhi Yue

Midnight hours with a lamp,
Morning hours, when the rooster calls,
The best times for a boy to strive forward.
If he does not study hard while his hair is still dark,
it will be too late to regret when his hair turns grey.

── from Dushu Sheng: Zhongguo Gudai Dushu Quanxue Shixuan
(The Voice of Reading: Selection of Ancient Chinese Poems Advising Study)


Su Shi (1036 - 1101, Song Dynasty)
English translation: Zhi Yue

A moment of spring night
is worth a thousand gold.
The flowers are sweetly fragranced,
and the moon overcast.
The music from the flute on the balcony plays softly,
the night on the garden swing gets quieter.

── from Dongpo Shiji
(Collected Poems of Su Shi)


Zhu Xi (1130 - 1200, Song Dynasty)
English translation: Miao Guang

For youth, old age comes readily, yet knowledge is difficult to acquire.
Not having even awakened from a dream of spring grass beside the pond,
The leaves of the phoenix tree out front are already shuffling the sounds of autumn.

── from Zhuzi Quanshu
(Complete Works of Master Zhu)

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Humble Table, Wise Fare


Recorded by Leann Moore         0:18

There is wealth in the world
but it depends on good deeds,
     good words and a good heart.
There is auspice in the human world
     at all times,
but it depends on true affection,
     righteousness and a good intention.

Dharma Instruments

Venerable Master Hsing Yun grants voices to the objects of daily monastic life to tell their stories in this collection of first-person narratives.

Sutras Chanting

The Medicine Buddha SutraMedicine Buddha, the Buddha of healing in Chinese Buddhism, is believed to cure all suffering (both physical and mental) of sentient beings. The Medicine Buddha Sutra is commonly chanted and recited in Buddhist monasteries, and the Medicine Buddha’s twelve great vows are widely praised.


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