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The Importance of Family Education

     Throughout history, many people have made great achievements thanks to their family education. It was well-known that Mencius' mother relocated her home three times so that her son could be in the best environment to learn. There were also great painters and calligraphers who were able to become the best in their fields because of the family education they received.

     In today's family education, it is important that children are taught the following:

           1. Honesty-If children develop the habit of telling lies at a young age, their future will be filled with many obstacles. Practicing honesty in dealing with others is the foundation of success in life.

           2. Good habits-Children must be taught good habits at a very early age. They should learn to be neat and clean, to be compassionate towards living things, and even to turn off the light and shut the door when they leave a room. By developing good habits in life, they lay the foundation for success in their endeavors.

           3. Politeness-Children should learn to respect others. Not only should they be respectful of their elders, they should also respect everyone they encounter. As the saying goes, "Those who respect others will earn respect."

           4. Acceptance-Parents should teach children to accept in order to help them learn and progress in life. Lack of attention and inability to accept are usually the reasons why some students do not do as well in school. When one is unable to accept, one is like an overturned vase, which cannot hold any sweet dew from heaven.

           5. Diligence-"Diligence produces results; playfulness does not." In their early years, children are fun-loving. As the children grow up,parents should steer their interests toward learning so that the focus of their attention can be directed toward noble pursuits in life.

           6. Balance-Children should live a balanced and healthy life, which includes three square meals a day and enough sleep at night. Their emotions and temper should also be well-controlled. With physical and emotional health, they will find it easier to establish themselves in life.

     In addition to these six points, children's self-respect should be protected. Parents should not tease, scold, insult, or reject their children. For instance, some parents may complain about their children's lack of achievements, that they are good for nothing, or that they are all play and no work. If their parents hurt them with inconsiderate words, they may give up on themselves and end up being the kind of children who will truly find it difficult to achieve anything.

     Therefore, parents should trust and respect their children instead of always taking an oppositional stance towards them. By using loving care, patience, and respect instead of strict discipline, parents will find it easier to educate their offspring. The Buddhist teachings of fellowship and kind speech are the best family education methods, a lesson that all parents should learn.

  • Conditions for Winning    4:45
      Recorded by Steven Chan   Toronto Radiant Subchapter